Forum Discussion

Jake2008's avatar
Jun 05, 2021

Bedroom Slide Issue

I am having a new issue with my bedroom slide.
I pulled into a campsite on Tuesday. In the process of setting up, I began to extend the bedroom slide of my Newmar Cypress 5th wheel.
As it was opening, it was moving a bit sluggish. The motor sounded strong. I thought the slide was not all the way out, so I pushed and held the bottom to retract the slide. The motor turned on but the slide would not move.
I was able to determine, that with the switch depressed in either direction, that the motor was on and was attempting to turn the shaft.
(Its an electrical Rack and Pinion system).
However, the shaft would turn slightly and then skip. The slide would not move.
At this point, the slid is out most of the way. But I am not able to get it fully out or back in.
Comments and suggestions to repair would be most appreciated!!!
  • Had a cypress for 10 yrs,great rig.Under the bed take the cover off ,rack and pinion drive with 2 adjustable rods ,back off the nut on sticking side ,adjust 1/4 inch at a time to see if it frees up.
  • It’s a Newmar and I suspect it’s their own system. they are usually very good. I’d give Newmar a call.

    Couple of thoughts. Are you operating the slides on battery only perchance? Plugged into 120? On my Newmar they advised to always have either the gen running or hooked to shore power when operating the slides.

    Have you tried resetting the controller for that slide? I was having issues with my kitchen slide not operating properly and replaced the controller with a new revision numbered one.
  • If the motor runs, but slide doesn't move, likely one of two things. It can be a pin sheared in the shaft, where motor drives it, or may be broken gear tooth/teeth on the drive that moves the slide arms.

  • Sounds like it might be a Schwintek slide. If so, ours has instructions for resetting on a control box in the basement. Hopefully it’s that simple.
  • Is it one that needs to be lubricated and if so, have you been doing it? Also, look under the front edge to inspect the rollers. Older RVs with leaking slides will have the bottom of the slide box deteriorating and the rollers pushing up into it. That calls for a slide rebuild. We really need to know the brand of slide mechanism to help more.