Cummins12V98 wrote:
JIMNLIN 100% disagree! It is MUCH easier to identify a "high hitch" with 1" thick jaws than say CURT with thin 1/2" jaws. Set the kingpin on top of the B&W closed jaws and the apace between plates will be 1/2" larger than the CURT making it MUCH easier to identify as high hitched.
Maybe I misunderstood what you said???
You did or I didn't make it plain.
The top of a 1/2" or 3/4" or 1" or 1.25" thick jaw is just below the pins top shoulder.
Look at a picture of a 2" size 5th wheel pin and we can see what I'm saying.
All 2" 5th wheel pins use the same dimensions for the top shoulder
If you have ever seen a high hitch you would know the gap isn't constant all around. Usually all the gap if any is in the rear and not easily seen from the drivers seat.
Just one reason professional big rig drivers do a tug test...then get out of their rig and do a visual looking to see the jaws are around the 2" dia part of the pin and closed.