From the Diesel Supplement Manual for my 2008 F250:
"Diesel fuel containing no more than 5% biodiesel may be used. To help
achieve acceptable engine performance and durability, it is important to
only use biodiesel of good quality in your diesel engine. At a minimum,
the biodiesel should comply with ASTM D6751 or an equivalent
Use of biodiesel in concentrations greater than 5% may cause damage to
your vehicles fuel system components such as fuel tank, fuel lines, fuel
pump, fuel sender and fuel injectors. Concentrations greater than 5% can
also cause fuel filter restrictions that may result in a lack of power and
or fuel pump and fuel injector failure.
Look for a label on the fuel pump to confirm the amount of biodiesel
contained in a diesel fuel. Biodiesel content is often indicated with the
letter “B” followed by the percent of biodiesel in the fuel. For example,
B5 indicates a fuel containing 5% biodiesel. Ask the service station
attendant to confirm the biodiesel content of a diesel fuel if you do not
see a label on the fuel pump.
Biodiesel should not be stored in the fuel tank for more than three
months. If your vehicle will be parked or stored for more than three
months, then your vehicle should be drained and filled with a diesel fuel
not containing biodiesel.
During cold weather, if you have problems operating on biodiesel, you
may need to use a diesel fuel with lower biodiesel content, try another
brand, or discontinue the use of biodiesel."
"Do not blend used engine oil with diesel fuel under any
circumstances. Blending used oil with the fuel will significantly increase
your vehicle’s exhaust emissions and reduce engine life due to increased
internal wear."
It also recommends shorter fuel filter change intervals if using biodiesel.
The newer (2008+) trucks with common rail fuel systems, DPFs, and catalytic converters are much more sensitive to fuel quality than some of the older trucks. And they can be extremely expensive to fix. Personally, I wouldn't use biodiesel unless it was the only choice.
As always, YMMV...