drillagent wrote:
Ok, so I took some advice from here and flushed the tank until nothing else came out. Then I turned on my Iphone video camera and taped it to a yardstick and stuck it down the toilet. Very interesting. There isn't any mound or large piles. There's a lot of residual gunk on the tank walls. The pipe isn't exactly on the bottom, so it has a bit of a lip. Hence why it isn't completely emptying. But the most interesting part is that the pipe isn't at the end of the tank (facing the side of the trailer). It's actually at the side of the tank (facing the back of the trailer). Right by the toilet. So when it does flush, the dreaded mound of death goes down first.
So, here's the plan. I went and got some RV Rid-X at Walmart this morning and I've re-filled the tank to about 2/3 full. I'll let it soak overnight. When I leave in the morning, I'll tip the trailer back and flush it out again. Then I'll fill it back up with some calgon and detergent (Geo Method) and let it soak in storage for about a week. Does that sound like it will work?
Sounds like a plan to me.