slarsen wrote:
Francesca, the toilet can't distinguish one from the other. It all goes into the black tank. Your shower and sinks, and clothes washer if you had one, go into the grey tank.
I'd have trouble with the clipboard solution. On one recent trip, I had my wife and three grand-girls. Women/girls use far more toilet tissue than men/boys, and I should have seen it coming: I had one heck of a time getting that mass of paper out of the system. Not trying to be sexist here, it just seems to be that way. I make a point of flushing the toilet extra times just to get more water into the tank when there are extra females around, but this time I just didn't get the "mix" right.
A the end of our trips I generally will fill the black tank by holding the toilet valve open and watch/listen so to get that extra volume of water to flush it all out