Been there/done all of the above. We were not using enough water when flushing and the dreaded pyramid had developed. It was as hard as rocks and impenetrable. We used hot water, a snake, ice, etc. It would help for a day or two and then bang! Back again. $175 paid for a tank cleaning service. It took the lady 45 minutes and was and it was horrible. Here is the advice from the service: 8 seccond flushes - more water!! When emptying the tank, fill the tank all the way until your spouse see water coming up the sewer pipe at the base of the toilet - dump. Keep ALL of your tanks closed. Keep ALL of your tanks closed. Keep all of your tanks closed. Dump only when full and use the GEO method or Clagon bath beads/Pine Sol. (1 cup Beads/64oz Pine Sol) To ALL Tanks. Chemical treatments give false sense of security. Your mileage may vary............