Another disappointed Coachmen owner here. Our 2011 lemon has been back to the factory twice for warranty work and it still has problems. To date, the list is forty three problems and still growing. As the previous poster said, there is too much incentive to push units out the door and leave the problems to the dealers to fix. Very poor quality control at the factory!
Over the past three years, I have had to make repairs to the trailer every time we have gone out. One major problem was discovered by a Forest River dealer, who was doing warranty work right after our first trip. I had noted the bedroom slide did not appear to be aligned correctly. When they checked, they found the ram that operates it had twisted in it's mount, due to the jam nut not being tightened, causing a fitting to break and leak red transmission oil onto the carpet, under the bed. Had they not found this, it would have eventually ruined the carpet and leaked into the basement area! Fortunately, under warranty, they were able to have a professional come in and clean the carpet.
We also had a faulty aluminum rim on the rig. Someone, either at the factory, the driver who delivered it to the dealer, or the dealerships driver, who picked up the unit from the wrong dealership, put a can of stop leak into the tire. It did not hold/ stop the leak, as the wheel would loose up to fifteen pounds of air per day! The tire and rim were replaced and I had the old one repaired and now carry that as the spare.
Should I mention the black tank valve stuck open twice! Poor engineering on the part of Coachmen. Problem, trying to make a solid wire cable bend around a one inch radius corner! The valve was repositioned and problem was cured! Why can't the factory engineers figure this out