What I use is the exact principle as you described just a different method, it works well. I took 3/4 inch eye bolt placed a square plate at the bottom and threaded a nut on the bottom and top of the plate to keep it in place, the square plate is Just big enough for the jaws once there closed and locked to be used as the center lift point, I get a chain and run it through the eye of the eye bolt and connect it to the forks on my Kubota, I back off the main bolt on the companion and pull the pin. Then I lift with my tractor giving a couple hundred pounds upward lift, the companion wont come straight out because the weight distribution within lifting is not perfect and it wants to bind, I then get a pinch bar I go from corner to corner releasing the pinch point stress and the hitch slides right up and out of the receiving hole. Using the eye bolt and plate combination for me centers the weight distribution as good as you can get making it fairly easy and quick to remove and replace because 4 friends aren't always around.