Mile High wrote:
restlesswind wrote:
Mile High wrote:
How about just the fact it STINKS! Give your neighbors some respect! It's not just bath water, its kitchen sink water which when stored in a tank for a while can smell worse than the black tank!
Tenters are tenters, they take dumps in the bushes too. :R That's why they put them over in the "OTHER" section on the hill :)
"It's not just bath water, its kitchen sink water which when stored in a tank....."
Not always so.Some RVs have three waste tanks,the third one being for the galley (kitchen sink).You are correct about the kitchen sink water,it gets pretty yucky,But I don't think that bath water is going to poison the environment
True - but grey is grey in some peoples minds.
Bath water, or even laundry water as some rigs are configured, is saturated with Phosphates that kill fish in nearby stream or lake when the suds gets there. Nature has a way of surviving a little bit of offense, but we have never learned how to do anything in moderation.
Phosphates in water
After reading the article,and a couple more,I agree,It's not acceptable to dump that bath water on the ground.So I have to change my statement.It does poison our environment,just in small steps.
Like dieing of a thousend cuts.Still dead,it just took longer.
This thread sure made some twists and turns,sometimes that can be for the better.