Forum Discussion

1100Sabre's avatar
May 23, 2014

Cap the dump pipe!!

The cap for the dump pipe is there for a few good reasons. I'm not sure how far down the reason list this one is but it's a good one. In the spring the birds are building nests. They like to find protected areas and inside a big pipe is great!!
Anyway, I had quite the adventure a couple of weeks ago leaving a state park. I'm very glad no one was waiting in line behind me because it took a little bit of time to get this done. Apparently a bird built a rather nice nest way up inside the pipe that I did not see. You can imagine me scratching my head when I pulled the valves and nothing came out. I was able to figure it out and fix the problem. We are minus one hot dog roaster as it was put in the trash can when we left. And, they had a very nice and clean dump station when I finished sanatizing the entire area!!
  • calamus wrote:
    path1 wrote:
    Major investment.

    This is what we have so we can hook up a garden hose with the male end cut off and marked as grey water, then you can stick it in the bushes and dump your grey water and water the trees and bushes at the same time.
    The bird nest sounds as bad as when you have company with a baby and they think its ok to flush wet wipes!

    You're kidding about draining grey water in the bushes right? Besides being against environmental laws in probably every state and province, it is unhealthy to the trees and bushes.
  • Don't cap mine - I store the 90 that connects to the park line there, but I do have an additional valve on the end.
  • dbbls wrote:
    Most states have a law that states the outlet must be capped. May even be a federal law.

    I think that's only when moving. Not sure a bird would follow a moving RV for hundreds of miles to build a nest. :B
  • You know they say hot dogs are made fill it in!
  • sharker6 wrote:
    What was wrong with the hot dog roaster, did you bend it?

    Yea, I kind of bent it, lol!! And the wifey didn't think we could use it anymore either. I wanted to save it for the mother in law!!!!
  • Most states have a law that states the outlet must be capped. May even be a federal law.