NC Hauler wrote:
Hoppypoppy wrote:
Replacing tires on 30' Cardinal tomorrow. Had decided on Cooper LT's. Having 2nd thoughts and really in a dilemma. Have heard so many horror stories about Carlisle, but also hear they have cleaned up their act. Please don't recommend any other tire as I am confused enough, lol. Thanks ya'll. (my search did not answer my specific question.)
Well, I can't recommend a Carlisle tire, but you stated not to recommend any other tire:h..and you thought you were confused...I'm throwing out a couple suggestions...Michelin XPS RIBS or the Duravis R250 tire......
I'm "assuming" you have "E" rated tires on the 5er?? Might help with we knew what tire is on the unit...
I have Michelin LT's on the trlr now. They are 6 years old. On the 5er when I bought it. Would love to stick with Michelins, but simply can't afford them anymore. Yes, they are "E" rated.
Appreciate all the help, folks. Love this site. Great for dingbats like me, lol.