eDUBz wrote:
mrw8i wrote:
Trona - nice place to pass through, really fast.
Sorry we didn't make it out to meet you guys on Friday. Was looking forward to it.
All good Brother - Next time. I really wanted to get to inscription canyon but owls head GPS web site is under construction plus my Garmin is not capable to download the ohv maps, go figure. Going to get a new GPS soon so we can navigate the DEZ. We navigated to Randsburg winging it off the friends of jawbone map. Kinda felt like the sticker they have on the wall at the general store "where the hell is randsburg".
Which Garmin do you have? I have converted a few of the Owlshead areas of tracks to actual maps for my Garmin. They are transparent maps. I typically display both my "road/highway" and owlshead map on the same time on my Garmin. Most of the tracks are good, some you can no longer ride on, there are some new trails that are not on owlshead. It is not routable. I can send you my map owls head map of the area and you can try to upload it to your Garmin.
You can also download an app for your Smart Phone. Purchase the online Friends of Jawbone map that integrates with the App. You end up with a GPS using the Friends of Jawbone map. It works pretty well, not great, but pretty well - depending on how good the GPS is in your Smart Phone.