laknox wrote:
After thinking about it, mine can be a bit tough if I back in, but roll forward just a bit. The jaws are then having to pull the truck and trailer together a bit. If I'm backed tight into the hitch, though, I have no issues.
I've had the same experience also if i didn't back into the pin hard enough. After backing into the pin look at the jaws. They should be fully closed around the pin. If not, you didn't back into the pin hard enough and the handle will be hard to close all the way. If the jaws are completely closed the handle should easily close to the locking position.
Also, you can lube the jaw pins by applying penetrating oil to them at the top of the hitch plate.
Does the handle and jaws operate smoothly when you're not hooked up? If so, it's likely the issue you're having is because you're not backing in hard enough. Make sure when backing in that the trailer pin box is a little lower than the hitch plate.