wow guys, these were wonderful posts to read. they are helping me realize compromise is going to have to happen.
half bath is for daughter getting older and I really want it BUT I am seeing that I have SO MANY better options if I stay with one bath. Right now I am a 34 ft 5th wheel. It is 'just enough' for our beach state parks and hubby said if we start going into the 37-38 we are going to put ourselves right out of a few parks we love.
I really think staying in the 32-34 ft range is it for us and the type of camping we love. one bath has done well for the 3 of us and I know it will also be ok for the future. hubby commented we can get so many nice designs and length limits with one bath option. it seems we might be swaying that way.
I loved reading these responses. Seems it is something that happens to everyone mostly.