Forum Discussion

JerseyKate's avatar
Sep 09, 2015

Considering a New Toy Hauler

My husband and I are considering trading our regular TT for a Toy Hauler TT (ball and hitch). We would like something in the 30'-34' range, front and back bedrooms each w/ a door - no curtain. Also, a garage in the back instead of a side ramp. It would need to sleep 6-8 people.

We are new toy haulers so any advice - good, bad or ugly is appreciated.

Our current TT is 10 years old so it's been awhile since we have researched them.

Thank you!
  • Finding a separate garage in a 30'+ TT is going to be easy. Its the 20'-25' TT toy haulers that are hard to find a separate garage.


    Our Work & Play is about as tough as it gets. But its not very "pretty" as the others. I highly respect the service guys at my dealer. They're top notch and they give me good, unbiased advise. The only TT toy hauler they've recommended me to stay away from are the Torque models.
  • Thanks momemtum rv. We originally thought this configuration would be difficult to find as well but it seems the industry is beginning to manufacture some nice toy hauler tt's with our specs. It probably would help for me to clarify that the garage will double as one of the bedrooms. So far we have found Keystone Outback and Carbon (Carbon is so far our favorite) and Forest River has some out there but they are designed with less privacy - open floor plan.
  • I think you are going to find it tough to find a toy hauler that size with a separate garage and in a TT.

    Good luck in your search