Forum Discussion

mariede's avatar
Oct 03, 2017

convertor problem


I have a cougar 5th wheel which I've had for a year. It's always been on shore power except for brief periods. Until recently, the convertor has come on only rarely when I've had too many things running at once.

The problem now is that the convertor has started kicking in when I turn on even one light, it doesn't matter which light. The only other electrical demand is the refrigerator. (The water heater is disconnected and has been for some time)

The convertor will turn off if I turn the light off.

If I have all lights off and run the microwave, which I assume draws more than a light, the converter does not kick on.

Can anyone explain what is going on?????

Thank you, Marie
  • 2112's avatar
    Explorer II
    Here's another data point for you.
    I was out in the camper last night with 2 inside lights and the porch light on. I have my battery on a timer to where it only charges 30 minutes twice a day at 10am and 10pm. It isolates the battery from the camper so the lights were being powered 100% by the converter.

    All was quiet while I was working for about 20 minutes and all of the sudden the converter fan kicks on. I looked at my watch and sure enough it was 10:02. The charger turned on. I turned off all the lights and the fan stopped. I turned on one light and the fan came back on.

    I still think you need to do some battery maintenance.
  • It's not that your converter is turning on - it's the cooling fan coming on. What you describe is exactly what my converter fan does - it's normal.
  • Do you know what type converter you have? For the most part the converter is running anytime your hooked up to shore power and using lights or anything requiring 12 volts - most are dead silent except for the cooling fans which will turn on if the converter heats up. Perhaps your hearing the cooling fan turn on? Cleaning the fan might help if that's what your hearing.
  • 2112's avatar
    Explorer II
    It's time to equalize your battery.
    Your converter is always on when on shore power. What you are hearing is the cooling fan. My WFCO converter has a variable speed fan. It will come on and speed up according to how much current it is outputting.

    I noticed the fan came on with just a few lights on. It didn't do that before. After I equalized my battery it stopped doing it. I surmised it was a sign of a weak battery.

  • With my trailer, I don't need the battery to run the 12v stuff if I'm plugged into shore power.. I can run all appliances and turn on all the lights and use all the plugs, AC, Micro.

    When you say you hear your converter turn on, is it the cooling fan you are hearing?

    That's what mine does, whether I have the battery attached or not. If I turn on a couple of 12v lights, the converter fan will turn on eventually. If I turn all of them on, the fan will turn on immediately.

    If that's the case nothing to worry about.. That's what it's supposed to do. I'd be more concerned if the fan didn't turn on..

    Anyway, good luck!

  • Yes check the battery fluid level and the voltage on the terminals.
    And welcome to the forum :)
  • You're right. I mistakenly called my converter and inverter.

    Tell me if I understand correctly. The lights are 12 volts so they're always drawing off the battery even when I'm hooked up to shore power. And the battery's always being charged by the converter.

    Because I'm hooked into shore power the microwave and reefer aren't putting any demand on the converter or batteries.

    Soooooooo, I should start by checking the batteries. Did I have that right?

  • OK, guess I am confused a little but am wondering if you may have a converter issue instead of a inverter issue. Most lights in a camper are 12 volts, same as in your car or truck except for lights in a slide out which may be 110 volts or should be. An inverter turns 12 volts to 110 which would run your microwave if wired in that way into the fuse box. A converter changes 110 to 12 volts and runs most lights, power side of refrigerator while on propane and lights the furnace and water heater (which you state is bypassed) and charges the in house camper battery. The reason you may be hearing the converter kicking in could be the converter is damaged or the battery itself is low on water or going bad. Just thoughts. Most factory converters are not known for being very sturdy or big enough to run the power needed. Sorry this may not be the answer you are looking for.