You people are so negative just because it's an F150. It's an F150 between the years of 2010 and 2014. You can tell that by it's tail lights.
It's not the all aluminum truck from 2015 on.
That kind of damage does not occur by just loading a too heavy load in the bed..
To me, they hitched it up, thought it was locked and pulled forward. It was not locked and it then fell off the hitch and hit the bed and crushed the hell out of the bed which also blew out the back window with the flex that must have happened during that incident.
The pic had to be taken after they jacked the trailer up again and hitched it up or whatever..
I know I am just guessing as much as all of you, but to say "It's just a Ford" and "it's too much for a 1/2 ton" is just nonsense..
Just my opinion of course.. :) Mitch