Thanks to everyone who has shared their knowledge and experience. The Hemi gasser was just a passing thought and is no longer in the running, and neither is a HDTV hauler, :-) That's just a huge overkill on my budget and my needs: the truck will be parked 90% of the time and I'm not a retiring investment banker, lol. I'll consider a 4500 but will need convincing of the advantages, if any (increased braking power?). The bigger decision I've been focused on is the body I'll put on the chassis. ClassyChassis and Douglas make nice aluminum bodies, but they take months to build and deliver and are over $20K. CM bodies make a nice model TM with a fair amount of storage, but being steel it's heavy and rust-prone. But since I don't expect to be towing longer than ten years or so, that body will probably outlast mine.
Thanks again ... See ya'll down the road!