Pretty much all RVs have issues when new. They all have little things that go wrong, screws loose, trim pieces loose...etc. For me it's part of owning an RV...or even a boat...I've owned several and there are always little things to fix.
The 1st time out in my 2015 Cougar, I kept noticing a little water on the edge of the cabinet. I thought it was my dog spilling his water. So I picked up his bowl, wiped it up and it came back. I looked at my drain pipes under the sink and found a tiny pin hole leak around a joint. Didn't show up at the walkthrough because it was a small leak. If we would have felt around the connections we might have felt it. Yeah it sucks, but it would have been hard to spot in QA.
Easy fix though...$15 of parts, a hacksaw and a trip to Lowes...cut out and replaced with PVC. All good now...
Point is these types of things happen, even with new houses you will have issues like this. Warranties should catch any major issues and if you are handy you can fix the minor stuff on your own.