FWIW. I bought our Grand Design in April. We have been out for three weeks traveling, and so far just a broken TV. I asked her if I could upgrade the TV instead of replacing it. They said sure. I installed it and sent them the receipt. The "check is in the mail for the TV." I noticed the doorstops in the bathroom shower were installed backwards allowing the doors to move quite bit when driving down the road. Was advised about this problem by another grand design owner who said they had the same problem only that they found out the hard way when their's broke. It was a simple remove two screws and put them back in; With the parts installed the correct way. The brakes did not work at all on a trailer that weighs up to 14,000 pounds so I jacked up the trailer and adjusted the brakes. It took a lot of tightening on the brakes to get them adjusted properly. The dealer obviously did not service the trailer before they handed me the keys. Only minor problems for me so far. Hopefully it stays that way!