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LOFAT36's avatar
Oct 13, 2015

Disc brake conversion Update

Well finally after 2 months or so after the home conversion I took out the 5er to see how the brakes worked. Couldn't be more pleased. A little more fine tuning when we head south next week and they will be perfect. I'm a happy guy.
  • "I think his answer was a little outdated, but it has settled the discussion in our house. He said that sooner or later every brake controller will break down and you can't find anyone to work on aftermarket conversions."


    And this guy is a reputable manager of a trailer business????

    Anyone can work on a disc brake system, yeeesh. Dumbest response I have heard in a long time about why not to get a disc brake upgrade.

    And so what if your brake controller goes bad, buy a new one for $150.

    And if the pump goes bad replace that too. Lose a hydraulic brake line, any NAPA store can make one up.

    My disc brake set up is by far the best thing I have done for my 5th wheel and there is NOTHING I can't replace or fix on it.

    Ron W
  • I guess I don't get. Folks will spend thousands of dollars to get all the latest gadgets and dodads, but won't spend the money that could possibily save their or someone else's life.
    I have yet to read of anyone who has Disc Brakes or upgraded to Disc Brakes that they think it was a waste of money and plan to go by to ancient electric drum brakes.
  • oldtrojan66 wrote:
    ... That would shoot another good idea in the head, in the interest of frugality.

    Let's hope the wife never has to find out the consequences of being penny wise and pound foolish when required to do a panic stop at 65 mph.
  • Alas, in spite of my desire to do this upgrade to my 12.5K JAYCO, it likely will not happen. I asked a service manager at a reputable trailer repair shop his thoughts on making the change. My wife was standing right there, because it was her idea to ask a "pro". I think his answer was a little outdated, but it has settled the discussion in our house. He said that sooner or later every brake controller will break down and you can't find anyone to work on aftermarket conversions.

    I hope I don't find anyone to say that replacing a dirty old rubber roof and its inherent black streaks with a "rhino liner"-type roof is a bad idea. That would shoot another good idea in the head, in the interest of frugality.
  • Kodiak disk brake assembly & bearings, Titan electric to hydraulic actuator, brake lines, & Takonsha P3 brake controller. Bought it all from E-Trailer for just under $1600 U.S. $ freight included, delivered to Oroville, Washington
  • Fairly easy, a couple of days. You just need 3 alum. angles across the frame to hold the brake lines.
  • I am happy to hear that you are satisfied with the brake conversion. Was it difficult to change over?

    I am thinking that if I ever do get a fifth wheel, I will insist on disk brakes and 3,000+ pound rating on all the tires. Even if the trailer is less than 14,000 pounds!

    Good luck,
