Ceiling grill.....
Has return air section with a foam filter.
Remove and wash filter, dry and reuse (bag of thin foam filter material at ACE etc....cheap and MANY replacement filters can be cut out)
With filter removed you can SEE EVAP Coil....and see how dirty
BUT you have to go on roof..remove shroud and then open sealed cover to access Evap Coil for cleaning (remember that section is OPEN to inside of RV so block with towel when cleaning)
Also check evap coil drip pan drain holes......free and clear so condensation runs off roof and NOT inside RV
Under shroud is the condenser coil....it can be sprayed down to clean w/o concern as it is only exposed to outside
TO check operation...
Use a 'thermometer' and place it in the 'return air flow' (note return air temp) and then place it in the discharge air flow (note temp)
S/B 18*F-20*F difference between return air (hot) and discharge sir (cold)
(Infrared Temp gun not very good at measuring AIR Temps)
FAN should be in 'auto'
Select COOL and turn A/C on EARLY to get jump start.
Easier to cool down BEFORE inside gets HOT.......heat load from furniture, cabinets etc takes a while to cool off
Use 'chill grill' to blast air directly down out of ceiling grill for max cooling in local area then swap to ceiling ducts/vents