fairhaven wrote:
Have had both. Current truck is a 2010 F350 SRW and the truck before it was a 2008 Ford F350 DRW. Current truck pulls a Columbus 365RL (39'7") and had a delivered weight of 12,370lbs. I don't know what the loaded weight is. Previous truck pulled a Montana 3400RL (40') and had a dry weight of about 12,700lbs. Did not know what its loaded weight was either. I can't tell a bit of difference between the towing aspects of either. I don't feel any less safe in my current truck pulling my current fiver and I have been in some pretty high winds crossing mountains and the Columbia River gorge. I personally think the whole thing (DRW vs SRW) is way over blown. Most who own a dually will tell you that is what to own for this and that reason. I say BS.
Nice to use the term "BS", maybe it means "Boy Scout"? I was one, an Eagle with 3 palms:)
You are in a minority if you can'tell a difference in the two trucks, especially cornering or towing on curvy mountainous roads, which I would think you've done a quite a bit of.
High winds..can't tell a difference? Again, you're in the minority
No one ever said one would or wouldn't "feel safert",never was a part of the original topic...in fact, all that was mentioned was the word, "stability", as in, "the dually would afford 'a little more of a stable towing experience' than a SRW truck"...nothing more, nothing less..."urban legend"? Ok, you got our attention and as you can tell my the majority of the post, most say the ride is more stable. Safer?
Probably to some of us...
oh, if I were you, though you also have no problems towing of course, I would, AT THE VERY LEAST, want to know what the GVW of my 5er is..If I looked it up correctly, it's 15,910#....something that one should know, "urban legend" or not:)