ACZL wrote:
I was at/over the limits on my '15 F350 SRW SB, CC, 4x4, 6.7 with current RV in sig. While it towed it w/ ease, just had this nagging feeling in pit of my stomach about certain overages. Year after we bought the RV, decided to go to FL for summer vaykay and this was the straw that broke the camels back. Sodespite how much I really liked the '15 SRW, bought a '17 F350 DRW, CC, 4x4, 6.7 and what a difference in towing. For all the reasons already stated plus the fact that the DW said she felt more comfy when she had to drive so I could catch some sleep. A true downside to the DRW is driving in snow. Simply put, they stink even w/ 1200# of tube sand over rear axle. I have managed to navigate drive-thrus, but they still are tight. Parking can be a bit cumbersome, but again, manage it. No car washes in my part can accommodate a DRW, so washing is all Armstrong. Do I wish I had a SRW? For everyday errands/bopping around and wintertime, YES. But it's not going to happen, so I adjust and live w/ it. Towing the RV (Pin 3700, dry 14,000, total max 16,000), makes life a lot more enjoyable.
The 2020 Is a totally different truck than your 2015 was. I believe there is a significant difference in the suspension of the 2020 vs my ‘17 . As well, even though I don’t feel I need the benefit of a long box, the long box will tow nicer than a short box.