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eDUBz's avatar
Apr 17, 2017

Easter weekend @ Hungry Valley OHV

undecided between state beaches or Hungry valley. We were in Morro bay last week and had some water time so we opted for a lil bit of riding. Back to our old ways up in Hungry valley - ever since our desert trips the girls don't like coming back here, but it was close to home and we were guaranteed a spot and guaranteed to have idiots! Why oh why do we keep coming back on Holidays.

Edison campground, this camp seemed very chill with less people - we entered at smokey bear just up from the grapevine at the south entrance and ended up at Edison campground - every camp was packed! So yes we drove through the whole place to end up and the first camp from the north entrance. We know better tho this was the only Riding place we knew before we got the diesel and RZR.

6am, with a cup of coffee :)

One thing I do notice is as much people that are out there, not many ride the trails. You can find them doing donuts and hauling A$$ around the campgrounds.

Beautiful day today.

We hit Vic's Cats trail and ended up at the end of the river bottom - was a lil stream of water coming through the mountains and some fresh animal guts and blood, we high tailed out of there

Nicole has be waiting to try out this pouch couch - she says it's awesome, while I look like a re*tard catching air to fill it up she better enjoy it!

North entrance has freshly paved the road all the way up to the first camp-ish.

Oh yeah, lady crashed into the back of the TH, luckily the trailer didn't get damaged. I'm guessing it was slow speed but I felt the TH rock.
  • Looks like a nice area to camp but I understand the crowd thing. I don't like people and try to stay away from the crowds as well but sometimes you have to deal with it.
  • @Mmaxed - Thanks for reading my post - I enjoy sharing our trips.

    @y-guy - just checked them out, going to pick some up.

    @dirtclods - yeah, nice and cold and keeps the crowds away, same goes for the beaches during the winter.
  • Gorman in the winter during school time the place is empty!!!!!
  • For putting up tape or flags check out "Electric Fence Posts" these are plastic 4' stakes with a steel 8" nail in the bottom, makes it easy to plan just about any where and easy to pull up. We use them for event tape at work but when I saw them I thought they would have been good for marking of camping spots too. Since you can run tape/flags at different heights you can make it so they can run under them. They only run a couple of bucks each, a box is like $50.
  • One thing I do notice is as much people that are out there, not many ride the trails. You can find them doing donuts and hauling A$$ around the campgrounds.

    I just don't understand why they do this. Are they afraid if they get more than 100 yards from camp they will get lost? Hitting the trails is where the fun is at. We see the same thing in the mountains here in MT. If it's just the kids running up and down the road, I kinda understand. But I don't get why adults have to do this.

    Looks like you have some nice area to go to, just too many people for this country boy. I do enjoy your posts.
  • dedmiston wrote:
    eDUBz wrote:
    Oh yeah, lady crashed into the back of the TH, luckily the trailer didn't get damaged. I'm guessing it was slow speed but I felt the TH rock.

    It's kind of a zoo there, isn't it? I can't imagine having someone run into your trailer like that. I'm glad there wasn't any damage.

    Yes - main reason why we love the desert, weeds out all the day riders that have no common sense, riding etiquette or respect for other people's lil camp area. Me and the neighbor were setup cool, this group with 2 quads and 10 family/friends get a spot in the corner and decide to do circles around us giving each other rides. Kids not wearing helmets while tandem riding etc. I put up caution tape on the backside of trailer to the fencing which was about 10ft and some between mine and the neighbors truck and they still weaseled through. We were packing up around 4ish and one dude was doing donuts right in front neighbors truck and trailer and the breeze was blowing in his directions, dust everywhere ranger saw him, not sure what happend but I seen him checking Out the quads and bike.
  • eDUBz wrote:
    Oh yeah, lady crashed into the back of the TH, luckily the trailer didn't get damaged. I'm guessing it was slow speed but I felt the TH rock.

    It's kind of a zoo there, isn't it? I can't imagine having someone run into your trailer like that. I'm glad there wasn't any damage.