Forum Discussion

avalanche50's avatar
Jul 31, 2014

Electric Valves Grey & Black water

Own a Carriage/Domani 30ft 5th wheel, 2008.
Having problems with the Black water valve sticking. Had a new one installed for both Blk/Gry and the first outing the black stuck ! The dealer says there is a history of this type problem. They say there is only one company that makes these valves.
The RV came eqipped from the factory with the system and is sold as a main feature so naturally I want to keep it as original as possible.
During storage I have dumped fresh water down the sewage tank hoping that would resolve the issue. There is a small potmetal allen wrench emergency release valve but thats not the answer I need.

1. Does anyone know if there is a more proficient electric vavle made by another company?
2. other than remove and install a manual system, any other tricks to try?
  • OH BOY!!! DRAINMASTER! I have three and all have been replaced two to three times under extended warranty then the following winter in Florida the black tank valve failed, drainmaster's B.S. reason was that the good people at Cedar Creek installed them wrong and so did the local Cedar Creek dealer but after some digging I found that CC was NEVER told that those valves could not be positioned horizontally and drainmaster started putting those warning stickers on AFTER CC was having problems, mind you this is "hear say' but I know Cedar Creek would NEVER build such a flaw in any of it's rigs like these junk valves intentionally but I really was surprised that our local Cedar Creek dealer who was paid to do the replacements didn't start asking questions when they see the warning labels on the new valves they repeatedly installed, so much for "idiot-proofing" I guess! So back to the newly failed valve, I'm speaking to a woman at drainmaster who now tells me that the original rocker switches they suppliedshown in this picture turned out to be the problem and the new "mechanical" switchesshown in this picture is the solution so $175 sheckles later and some re-wiring they now work as promised.
    These valves have been the only problem I've had with my rig and Cedar Creek sent me replacement manual valves for me to convert and the next failure I will. I asked drainmaster why these switches weren't a recall item as they clearly are the problem but I never got an answer, just a bill.
  • We have Drain Master electric valves on our trailer. Didn't order them with it, they just came on it. Two out of the three have failed. Have manual pull valves on them.
  • I have 3 of them in our unit. All of them where installed wrong from the factory & failed. They have to be mounted between the 10 o'clock-2 o'clock position to keep water from collecting in the valve motor & gears.
  • I have not personally owned these valves but there have been quite a few post regarding them here over the years. Most of the problems IIRC were related to the way they were installed (I think it was the direction they were pointing). Give a call to the company. I'd bet they could shed some light on what to do to correct the binding problem.