I had a 2012 Evergreen Everlite fifth wheel. Although Evergreen pioneered the extensive use of composite with the Everlite line (no luan or plywood anywhere in 2012), most of the other lines just rode on the reputation and wood even crept back into the Everlite line. When I looked at Tesla, it was my understanding that the composite was only used on the inner walls. No doubt this would help with famaldahide gassing but not exterior delamination. Floor is plywood. I'm sure roof is too. My composite floor experience was not that great. Evergreen used a foam component in the composite floor that compressed over time and caused the floor to sag under weight and let the laminate flooring appear loose.
Since I needed an 18' garage, I had to go with non-separate garage models and had to stop all efforts at being a material or component quality snob.
It must be tough looking a units when the factory site is down. I did find a link to this brochure that may help: