Brodie3Az wrote:
Unfortunate situation, Happy that occupants are OK, Sorry for their experience.
I hope that they will notify both the RV manufacturer and the fireplace manufacturer of the problem.
Posting provides 2 warnings for ALL:
1. Check your electric fireplace for same conditions.
2. Check your extinguishers on a regular basis. Pressure is important, but if the powder has had a chance to compact it will not help you when you need it. Need to keep it Loose and powdery like your flour.
At least every year, take your fire extinguishers out of their brackets turn them upside down and hit the bottom of the extinguisher with your hand several times! This loosens up any powder that has settled to the bottom. Then check the gage, which should be in the "green", if not time to replace with a new one. Powdered extinguishers make a mess, and be ready take careful aim before squizing the trigger. They last only seconds and if you miss you will not have anything to put out the fire!