Naio wrote:
2oldman wrote:
How is a kitten 'born' wild?
Its parents are wild -- either feral or abandoned.
Such kittens, in my experience, take about 30 minutes to tame :).
Food is all it takes
Back before we found a group that would TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) the local colony we would trap the kittens (real easy), then trap the mother(easy, once you have the kittens). We could never tame the mother, but the kittens were plain easy.
The kittens we found good homes for.
Most animal groups do NOT want to come and clean out a feral colony, because what will happen is another colony will form, in the same area, within months.
Since all colonies are made up of related females, it doesn't take long for the colony to start growing... All it takes is one male.
What they suggest is to have the colony TNRed and released back in the same area. That way they form a stable colony, for years to come.
We had our local colony (made up of the daughters and grand-daughters of a tossed "tame" cat) TNRed about 10 years ago.
Nesting boxes and a little food and they have made our yard their base.
The years have taken their toll, and a colony once made up of 9 cats is down to two. Once they are gone we will certainly contact our local "Barn Cats" group and have another two or three out-door girls.