Dtank wrote:
bpounds wrote:
Dtank wrote:
BTW - the idea about adding a ball under the 5th is rediculous..:R
Might be that you lack imagination. That is a better point to lift from, than a pin 4' off the ground.
A trailer ball would not be the way to do it however.
The "lifting" is *not* the problem...:R
Moving it around when lifted *IS* the problem.
*If* you have a paved surface (not grass), that's level and flat
(no curbs to "ramp up") there are several options (like Power Caster) that work well - all of which use the pin.
Soooooo if somebody knows of one, I'll join the OP and put it to use.
"bpounds" - the pic is great..:C
However, it appears to be on
a: - paved, level surface.With front stabilizers almost touching the surface - why?..:@
Will the "mover" pictured move the trailer over
Up a
slight incline - like up/over a "ramped curb"?..:@
And (the stabilizers?) - going down the same incline?..:h
As previously posted, a top-of-the line Power Caster rated a "no" to those questions on a much smaller TT. Been there done (tried) that....which is why the neighbor has it now.
The guy I bought it from had pics just like yours, moving his trailer next to his home in Bishop, CA - on a flat, concrete surface.
Is the pictured item manufactured - or a DIY?..:h
RE-check the (my) bottom line.....
"If somebody knows of one, I'll join the OP and put it to use".
Caveat: at a reasonable price, LOL!
The Power Caster PC-3 that I bought "way back when" for $300. is now $1425.
Soooooo - who makes it? -
Mfgr? - Rube or?..:@
Kinda looks like a DJ - see next
BTW - several models available from this company.
D J ProductsAlthough they claim their movers will work on snow, grass, ice - none of their promo videos show that.
Oh yeah, and - Yikes!...$10K & $13K for 5th wheel movers!.:R
Makes a used fork lift look pretty good!..;)