Forum Discussion

howardwheeler's avatar
Mar 16, 2014

Fifth wheel to goose neck adapter

My neighbor has just bought a 2003 Holiday Rambler Alumascape 5th wheel that is around 12500 GVWR. It's a 32 footer. He's a farmer and already has a B&W in bed gooseneck ball that fits down in a hole in the bed. I've seen fifth wheels with the extension tubes coming down from the pin box that makes it a gooseneck type trailer. What is the problem if any of using such a setup rather than springing for a new fifth wheel hitch? I've told him about the B&W hitch that utilizes what he already has but maybe he can just use his gooseneck ball with the extender. Any thoughts?
  • Anyone that has actually used the Anderson Ultimate experience a problem with the pin weight being behind the axle? It seems like this could be a real option for my neighbor but I have always thought for towing you couldn't have the weight behind the axle.
  • Have your friend compare any of his gooseneck trailer frame/gooseneck structural design and size of materials used VS the design and materials used on 5th wheel trailer pin box.

    If he still thinks it will be as good.......oh well.
  • Not another gooseneck adapter threads. Use the search feature and read for hours. Chris
  • Usually it is not a great idea due to the added stress. But with an '03 there is no warranty issue. And if he tows a lot, then he already has experience with GN hook ups. So a GN extension is certainly an option, but there is still risk of damaging the HR frame. He should also consider the Andersen Ultimate hitch and it doesn't cost too much more than the typical GN extension. It is an elevated ball mount that attaches to the normal ball, so easier to see when hooking up. It still has a hitch platform that must be removed from the bed for carrying other loads, but it is much lighter than any other elevated hitch. Finally, the 'extension' is just a few inches, so it puts very little extra stress on the trailer frame. Just another option to consider.
  • This subject has been beat up pretty much on the boards if you do a search.

    Short story is it will void many frame warranties but a 2003 that is not a concern. Reese makes a replacement pin box called the Reese Goose Box for Lipert frames that may or may not be an option. B&W makes a 5th wheel hitch called the companion which sits in the bed and attaches to the B&W gooseneck hitch in truck.

    Good luck.
  • My thoughts are be careful. MOST fivers are not designed for the additional twisting torque applied to the framing around the kingpin using the gooseneck extender. Too many stories about twisting the cross beam and breaking it right in front of the kingpin. Many manufacturers put in their specs to NOT use one.