TexasUltra wrote:
My next trailer will be a fifth wheel. I've seen some 5'rs using an attachment that hooks to a goose neck hitch in the truck.
What are the pros and cons of each set up. My truck is factory ready for either type.
I'm certain the goose neck ball is easier to remove from the bed, but is it less stable in the wind than a 5th wheel hitch?
Any other experiences you'd like to share?
Manufacturer and type of best set-up?
Look at Andersen Ultimate fifthwheel hitch.Attaches to any gooseneck ball.
I have used a regular gooseneck adapter,switched to regular fifthwheel hitch and was never happy,and now using the Andersen.No regrets.plus the newer one weighs in at 32 lbs so really easy to get in the bed.