smokeylew wrote:
I have a 25' TT and been pulling it with a 1500 Ram for 4 years. The trailer's tongue weight is 1,000 pounds and it's been a borderline white knuckle ride the whole time.
Purchased a Ram 3500 long bed and now am considering a 5W. How do you compensate for weight distribution with a 5W? Are air bags usually needed for this? Everything mentioned in this post is confirming my desire to go with a 5W.
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To answer your question, with a late model 3500 truck, you would not need suspension enhancement, unless you bought a large FW, with enough pin wt to be approaching your RAWR.
Since your pin weight will be over rear axle, very little weight will be taken off front axle. No real WD is needed, but at some point, you may need to level truck.