Dayle1 wrote:
I find that driver fatigue is less with a fiver. It isn't just due to a more stable rig with less sway, although that is a big reason. While WD and sway control do their job, I still feel the TTs influence on the tow vehicle at every bump/dip etc and it wears on the driver over hundreds of miles. OTOH if a fiver setup has severe chucking, that also increases driver fatigue, but most of my fivers have not had this issue.
We have had both TT and now 5th Wheel. When we first bought the 5er, I almost reneged on the deal due to the "Chucking" with this 43' Toyhauler. It took an "Airborne" kingpin and Armstrong Airbags on the truck (F-450) to get the chucking under control. I had never heard of chucking until I bought a 5th wheel. As others have stated, pulling a 5er is easier with the exception of the "Cheating" while making turns and slow reacting while backing.