Forum Discussion

cdlaine's avatar
Oct 25, 2014

Fine tuning for our family....

So, this past week the Princess and I got around to making
some interior changes to fit our use of the 5ver.

Backstory... we already gave up on the provided sofa-hide-a-bed
provided on purchase. Replaced with a Futon (not your standard
hippie era futon) for our greater then 6 ft. teenager. (Visually impaired (legally blind),
so something as simple as closer to the TV makes the experience more enjoyable for him).

After many cups of coffee (and more then one discussion)... decided to part ways with the
dining table and chairs. Wasn't being used as designed (except as clutter holder)...
we eat outside or in the recliners/Futon., don't have to wrassle recliners to bring
the slider in, and don't have to secure dining chairs prior to movement. Might have lightened
the load a bit.

Don't worry, we are hanging on to all removed furniture for the next

We like it. Really "opened" up the space...and we weren't using it.
So what interior "improvements" have you done lately ?


  • Yep bad. I forgot that posting the pics here doesn't
    "really" post them here.

    The pics were nothing special ...Iphone photos showing the Futon
    and the room gained after removal of the dining table and chairs.
    We like the new layout... practical for our family. Not sure
    Theater seating would work for us..

  • Looks like maybe you rearranged your photobucket pictures? Above pics no longer display ...
  • David and Robert...

    Excellent customizations...based on the number of "furniture"
    substitution postings that have popped up in the last day...looks to
    be a common practice. And, it appears, those RV hide-a-bed-sofas
    and tables are some of the most popular swap outs. (maybe the RV
    industry might
    want to investigate the frequent dissatisfaction).

  • We removed the dining area booth and replaced it with a drop leaf table and two chairs. Anchored the table down and bungie cord the chairs to the table to travel. Also removed the queen bed and replaced it with a king size one. Instead of having storage under the bed I added 2 inches of foam installation as that area seemed to get cold quick. All have worked great for us.

  • We removed the couch and put a small desk and the wife's sewing table in that spot
  • Duck...

    I agree , most important is how it works for us. It gets high
    scores on that count. Now, if I only had the skills to move the
    dang fuse box up off the floor to real people level !

    ...(it is down below the fridge)

  • What matter most is how it works for you. I like the change. We recently replaced the two recliners (nothing special and needing replaced) with a second sofa in outpr rear kitchen Komfort. Then added a oblong ottoman with storage inside. The additional open area for us is what's best.
  • Cathe... the only weird thing about it was over-coming the
    feeling that we were "required" to keep it as purchased... Yep,
    that is on us, but was a strong de-motivator for make the changes.
    Like I said, weird.

    Gramma Dee... fear not.. she has a dedicated storage area for quilting
    materials. Won't leave home without it.
    p.s. that recliner is in high demand as staring out the bay window is
    a favorite pastime.
  • :) I like it, too. But that empty space next to the recliner........GREAT place for a little cabinet to hold things like craft supplies. :) :)
  • I like it. My dad removed his dinette and made a long, narrow table and bought 3 kitchen chairs. Really opened up his space