Forum Discussion

Fishermark's avatar
May 31, 2013

First post, First fifth wheel, First question!

We just bought our first fifth wheel and I am getting to know it... I will have a bunch of questions I am sure! ;-)

The unit we bought is a 1997 25' Golden Falcon manufactured by Glendale Recreational out of Canada. It is in good condition, and everything seems to work well.

Here's my question - this camper has a small slide, pictured below -- does anything need to be done to brace the slide when it is out? There doesn't appear to be any place for a brace or jack.

  • Sharp unit! I don't have any advice other than learn from our mistake and check your roof and seals. :)

    Enjoy yourself!
  • No. You do not need nor do you want to place a brace under the slide out. If for some reason thw trailer droops a bit you could damage the alide out.
    With a fiver this age, would suggest that about the first thing you do is get up on the roof and give it amcomplete inspection. Look at the condition of the rubber membrane and all the seams. Be very careful about anything you use to seal the seams. Sicor lap seal is about the best for roofs.