Forum Discussion

mileshuff's avatar
May 03, 2021

For sale ads?

Is it allowed to post RV/Fifth Wheel related items for sale?
  • Barneys explanation is true of all "For Sale By Owner Sites" Craigs list etc and most private sites. As soon as they see it here come the dealers. I guess they are illiterate or just to dumb to understand the definition of OWNER. At first ebay was pretty good but these days its useless.
  • BarneyS wrote:
    Has nothing to do with Marcus but all to do with the fact we used to have a "Classified" section for the members to use but it quickly became completely overrun with commercial outfits trying to sell their trailers and equipment. Nobody wanted to scroll through page after page of new trailer and motorhome ads to find the occasional doodad or rig posted for sale by a member. It took tons of moderating time to keep it clean enough for members to use so the decision was made to eliminate it.

    That's interesting! I recall we had a classified forum for like 3 weeks and no explanation was given when it was taken down.

    For the suggestion box: Most of the spam are bots that register on the forum and immediately post multiple classified ads. One way to effectively control that is to add user rules that don't allow postings in the classified section until the user has 1) been a member >x# of days, and 2) posted >x# of non-classified posts.

    This weeds out 99% of the spammers and creates a useful resource for the membership.
  • Thanks for the explanation Barney. Makes sense, as would be hard to separate commercial from private.

  • Has nothing to do with Marcus but all to do with the fact we used to have a "Classified" section for the members to use but it quickly became completely overrun with commercial outfits trying to sell their trailers and equipment. Nobody wanted to scroll through page after page of new trailer and motorhome ads to find the occasional doodad or rig posted for sale by a member. It took tons of moderating time to keep it clean enough for members to use so the decision was made to eliminate it.
  • Evidently Marcus does not want you boogering up a potential sale of his overpriced merchandise at CW LOL. Why else would there not be a for sale/ wanted board such as on every other RV / camping related forum on the net?
  • fj12ryder wrote:

    Thanks, thought I had remembered a classified forum here years ago.