Forum Discussion

rtyauch301's avatar
Dec 12, 2017

Fresh water drain keystone alpine

I recently traded my old roadranger 5th wheel for a 2013 keystone alpine 3600rs. the fresh water tank is showing half full and i would like to drain it but can't find the drain valve. can anyone that had one of these tell me where it is
  • Just as was said before I have had 3 Keystone Montana's and I would think Alpine would be the same the drain pex tube is hanging underneath behind the rear axle with a white cap on it ,in the future it might help ya if ya joined the Keystone owners Forum and they would tell ya EXACTLY where it is,The Montana owners forum has helped me A lot and I think the folks at the Keystone Forum would know just about anything about your Alpine
  • Don't have an Alpine, but my Keystone Montana has a small pipe hanging down a few inches with a white plastic cap near the rear of the trailer. Remove the cap and it drains the fresh water tank.
  • Try looking on the left side just behind the axles, took me a while to find it.
  • It should be under the trailer some where . Mine is just a 1/2 shut off under the front. You can just see it attached to the pex pipe