Forum Discussion

Raptormom02's avatar
Mar 22, 2014

Fresh Water Tank Sagging

Last night we were all packed ready to go to the desert for our last outing of the season with our 2009 Keystone Raptor 300mp. Could not wait!! But then we notice a small water spot under the trailer. Upon further investigation we noticed the fresh water drain had been moved to the side and the sealant around the drain had cracked and fallen off. We also noticed our tank was really sagging. Sadly to say here we still sit at home afraid we will lose the tank going down the road.

The question is has anyone had a problem with their freshwater tank sagging or actually falling out? If so what did you do to fix it?
  • My story is likely in the archives, my Fuzion 322 did the same thing. Its an easy fix really but certainly should not be necessary. I noticed that the drain was a weird angle one day. I pulled the underbody covering down and noticed that the straps were bent and pulling out. Hard to believe an engineer thought this method of securing 800 plus pounds of water in a vehicle meant to go off road would be sufficient. It is not sufficient as many have found out.
  • When my TH was new I did not like the way the front part of the fresh water tank sagged down. So I added a brace to support it.. I only did the front because the rear of the tank looked fine.

    I had some 3/16th metal bent at a 90. Lined it with some sheet rubber and bolted it to a metal brace just infront of the water tank

  • We had an object kick up and damage our drain plug that started a small leak at the thread to tank location. That small leak ran down under the tank and onto the 3/8" plywood, that was supported by metal straps, and when wet started the sag below the tank.
    I drained the tank and when I got home I fixed the leak, and installed 3/4" plywood under the tank and reapplied the straps. 3/8" plywood was too weak to properly distribute the weight to the straps once it got wet.
  • Enclosed underbelly?

    Got to remove that section so you can access the fresh water tank.

    Once you gain access you will need to add additional supports/fix the existing supports.

    1" aluminum straps attach with self taping screws.
  • A search here may help. Good luck.

    "Your search for 'water tank fell' found 7 matches."
  • Also try the Keystone Forum for more specifics related to your unit.