Our Alpenlite is only a couple years younger than your 5er. It is indoor stored for almost 7 months each year. The gelcoat still looks almost new. It gets waxed with a high quality marine wax once a year. The front cap twice a year because of the bugs.
Like you we are really happy with the trailer. Have yet to find a floorplan that we like better. We have spent plenty on upgrades, like you, each year & figure on $2000 or so for something or other every year.
Time is taking its toll on the cheap quality graphics used so the painting question has come up a number of times. Do we? Don't we? How about just new better quality graphics?
The dilema goes on.
If we do paint there would be no cutting corners on paint quality. It takes the same labour no matter the quality of paint. I'd be looking at marine paint, preferably an epoxy paint.
There is a 2 part marine paint called Awlgrip. Fantastic paint. Much higher gloss than gelcoat & lasts far longer. Another great paint is Imron (Dupont product). If you are going all in might as well go for the gold paintwise.