Forum Discussion

SMarquez's avatar
Sep 30, 2020

Generator Issues

A couple hard hits to the family got me off my generator maintenance schedule so when I went out to try and start the gen I had a no crank issue. The terminal posts were pretty corroded so I cleaned those all the way up and still get a no crank.
I have power in the trailer. The batts are Costco 6v and are 3 years old. They still have water covering the plates and have 6.7 and 6.6 volts individually, 13.3 obviously together. I'm getting out of the heat for now but will test for juice at the starter later. It is a 4kw Onan Microquiet. Up until now I was exercising it monthly and had no issues. The last time I ran it was probably June.
Aside from what I have done so far does anyone have any other tips or anything else to consider when I get back out there?
  • I got the generator to crank it won't start. Runs on starter fluid for a couple seconds. It's the stupid carburetor again. They aren't rebuildable and when they **** the bed they just get replaced. I thought I was doing good. I kept stabil in the gas but it just crapped out. Calling around, that carb is on national back order from Onan. I found a carb in town for $350 but I just can't see paying that much for a part that is what 2 RV repair places called "junk". I'm going to try a China bomb carb. If it goes bad in a year I'm only out $50.
  • I suppose it could still be corroded battery wires. The posts and terminals are clean. I've seen corrosion creep up under insulation and cause problems. Too **** hot to mess with it right now.
  • No crank at first, very weak incomplete crank now. My wife is out of town but reminded me when I called to tell her about it that it has been kind of cranky starting. Sometimes would clank and then hook up and crank after a couple stabs at the starter button. I think it might be the starter now that she reminded me.
  • I've had good luck jump-starting mine with a little portable battery pack directly to the gen (not to the batteries). Maybe that would help. you rule out a power issue.

    Does it crank at all?