Lar's wrote:
My 2015 Dynamax, Tirilogy has a box and supposedly pre-wiring for a generator. I don't want install one, I'd like to use my Honda, either outside, or in the truck bed with as short of piece of wire as possible. The wire box has 3 circuit breakers, one 20 amp, and 2 15 amp... I've been told that I can just wire a plug into the box, but have no clue whether to wire in to a specfic circuit.
Anybody accomplish this yet?
How does everyone else that runs their generator from the pickup bed feed power clear to the rear hook up?
I ran a 12 gauge extension cord inside the frame of my rv and put a twist-lock connector on the outlet end so it mates with my rv power inlet. When not in use, it's coiled up and stored near the propane tanks.
generator runs good in the truck bed, dont even hear it at highway speed, yamaha 2000