TGPILOT wrote:
Just returned off of a six week vacation to five states. When I left I took my old Honda 3000C with me. But, because I could lift it, I left the extra extension cord for my 50 amp home.
Stupid move, as while on the trip I decided to upgrad to a Honda 5000IS. I have only two choices, either put a rack on back for about $500.00 or leave it in the back of my pickup between the hitch and the tool box. It just fits, but I have to take the hitch out to get the gen in and out. But, for the time being I guess it will ride in the truck.
The one night I got to run it, I had to unhook the rig and back the truck to the end of the rig for the cord to fit. Now that I am home I have the extension cord on the rig so that I won't have to unhook if I don't want to. The new EM5000IS sure runs good, powered everything on the rig and ran all night on one tank.
Not sure how this applies to the OP's question/s..:?
IMO - you have more generator than you need - - but you can also power your neighbor's RV - maybe in exchange for a 6-pack, or?..;)
BTW - 'everything generator' can be found in the *Tech Issues* forum,
and no harm in starting a new thread either place rather than hi-jack.