This is a 90's vintage Tahoe Lite, about 25-26' OAL, with a single =manual= slide, so no warranty to worry about. Empty weight shows < 3,600-3,700 lbs. The owner has towed it for decades with the GN adapter, so I think the frame is OK, but there was a definite fore/aft "springiness" that I could feel, that I can only attribute to having it on there. As I said before, I'd really like to tow it on the FW hitch for comparison.
The roads had as much to do with the rough ride as anything. :-) NM and CO really need to do some work on their secondary roads. 491 N out of Gallup and 550 N out of Farmington were terrible and would have been bad even running empty. Indian Rte 5 between 491 and 371, S of F'ton, wasn't too bad, but had =miles= of road with virtually no lane or shoulder markings. Just scary; thank goodness there wasn't much traffic on it.