TucsonJim wrote:
laknox wrote:
temccarthy1 wrote:
Getting ready to buy an RV GPS... read a lot of reviews.. The GS Rand McNally has the WORST ratings! The best are the Garmin 760 RV GPS.. That's what I plan to buy soon!Return it and get a GARMIN
I have an older Nuvi, with lifetime maps, that was given to me. I like it, but with only a 5" screen, it can be a bit hard to read. I'm seriously considering the Copilot RV app with the Route 1 add-in on my wife's Galaxy Tab 2 with a 10" screen. :-)
I don't know why Garmin doesn't make the RV unit in a 7" screen like they do the trucker model. I mean, a goodly number of us RVers' more "mature" eyes would sure appreciate that larger screen. :-)
Lyle - Check out the Garmin RV 760LMT. It's a seven inch GPS made for RV usage. It's a great product.
$319 on Amazon.
That's an older model, Jim, and not in their current catalog.