fj12ryder wrote:
Better go back and do your homework by rereading. LOL I think you got me mixed up with Jevanb.
I always torque my lugnuts: the truck to 165 ft.lbs. and the toyhauler to 105 ft. lbs. Oil on the dually lug nuts like the manual says and a dab of anti-seize on the studs on the trailer like I think it should be done. :)
Mea Culpa - "homework" done on the (my) mixup..:S
Sorry for the quote swap with/for "jevanb"...:o
The - "To torque -or- not to torque" issue:
How long does it take to spin the dial on a click type tq wrench -vs- using a breaker bar & socket?
Ten seconds?..:@
Or with an "old" beam style? - *Zero* seconds..:W
Sure doesn't sound like any of the A&Ps I worked with..;)