Dtank wrote:
agesilaus wrote:
But ask your self this, how many semis have you seen using a gooseneck?
The furnished advice was good, however......
it should have *not* have included this (useless) trivial question.
Semis (tractor/trailers) use a hitch that does not articulate side to side.
It will do more damage to a 5th wheel (RV) trailer than a gooseneck.
That's why the first thing to go on an HDT conversion for RV 5h wheel towing is the commercial hitch on the tractor.
And the damage is where?? I've owned RV 5th wheel hitches for 26 yrs., none with side pivot and never had an issue. And no 5th wheel manufacturer has a disclaimer stating that their units can only be used with side pivot hitches. Also if this was a serious issue, then the semis would have side pivot hitches as well to prolong the life of those aluminum box trailers. Got any details?