We have owned four FW in our lifetime of RVing. We now own a 2015 Grand Design Reflection and we couldn't be happier with the quality-and their customer service is the best. In fact the service from Grand Design was a large part of the reason we purchased a Grand Design. We had heard good things about the company and we have not been disappointed. I can honestly say that we have never experienced such a commitment to making sure the customer is happy and supported and not just while under warranty. Two months out of warranty we had a rear stabilizer switch go bad so my DH called GD to find out if we could purchase a new one- not only did they send us one but they paid for two day shipping so we'd have it quickly and then didn't charge us for the switch. A small item for sure but it just speaks to how well they treat their customers.
As to the quality-we have traveled extensively over the 14 months we've had the Reflection and have yet to experience any problem that has kept us from traveling. We had to have a window replaced because it wouldn't slide easily and a wheel bearing seal leaked so GD authorized replacement of all wheel bearing seals. We just returned from 6 weeks in Glacier NP, Yellowstone and Grand Tetons and are now packing to head to the Eastern Sierra Mtns. We couldn't be happier to be traveling with our Grand Design!