I bought a 2017 303RLS in September. Now since I live FT in mine and haven't had a chance to tow it a great deal I'm not worried about the libbit frame. For one thing if something is to go wrong it will fail within the first year or so. I think some people complain about things only to complain. Thousands of frames are made by this company and not all are bad. The overall quality of my trailer is excellent and have had no issues that weren't caused by newbie ownership. This is my 5th RV so not too worried about things. If it breaks it breaks, if it doesn't it doesn't. The one downside is the bedroom. It's smaller than I am used to, but made a few adjustments, after heading to Walmart for storage containers, and taking many items that I don't wear to the Goodwill. The 2 times I have towed it with my old truck it was smooth and gentle and at times didn't know it was there. Tows much better than my 01 Jayco. Much easier set-up also. I would buy another GD if the opportunity came about.