Forum Discussion

2btowed's avatar
Nov 10, 2018


Out camping in Sedona on FS525 and have billion dollar view of Red Rock country.Friends from Okla, watching OU play ,sittin by the campfire.Grandkids runnin around..Great night...Morning comes and Im at 63% battery.....What was runnin all night..TV,not enough amps,heater hardly ran,CPAP,seperate battery...Hummm.Inverter/charger crash? crank up Gen and alls charging...still 15 to 18 amp ghost draw....Wellll after walking around checking most things inside I go out and look around... and what was hanging from the pin box? You got it!! the trailer disconnect pin had been pulled out by rampaging GKs!!Who would have thought. FYI ..may happen to you!!!
  • SpeakEasy wrote:
    Not sure what the OP's original intent was in creating this thread, but I'll take it in a different direction than it's gone so far.

    Took 3 of the Grandkids to Letchworth Park back in June. We were all looking forward to this outing for months. It was going to be great!

    Within a couple hours of arriving, I lost sight of my six-year-old grandson for a MINUTE. He's not a bad kid, but he is pretty unpredictable. I walked out of the camper, and my wife was looking over toward the truck. She said to the grandson, "Is that a rock in your hand? Are you scraping it on the side of the truck?"

    That got my attention in a hurry. I went over to see what he was up to. He had a stone, and he was scraping it all along one side of the truck, making loop-de-loops in the paint. He had already hit the other side. Front to back. Both sides of the truck, front to back, now had loopy scratches. I had only had the truck a few weeks. Hadn't even made a payment on it yet.


    We won't go into what I said to him and how I said it. It pretty much ruined the day for me.

    Gotta love them.


    And people wonder why my husband and I have chosen not to have kids...
  • Not sure what the OP's original intent was in creating this thread, but I'll take it in a different direction than it's gone so far.

    Took 3 of the Grandkids to Letchworth Park back in June. We were all looking forward to this outing for months. It was going to be great!

    Within a couple hours of arriving, I lost sight of my six-year-old grandson for a MINUTE. He's not a bad kid, but he is pretty unpredictable. I walked out of the camper, and my wife was looking over toward the truck. She said to the grandson, "Is that a rock in your hand? Are you scraping it on the side of the truck?"

    That got my attention in a hurry. I went over to see what he was up to. He had a stone, and he was scraping it all along one side of the truck, making loop-de-loops in the paint. He had already hit the other side. Front to back. Both sides of the truck, front to back, now had loopy scratches. I had only had the truck a few weeks. Hadn't even made a payment on it yet.


    We won't go into what I said to him and how I said it. It pretty much ruined the day for me.

    Gotta love them.

  • azdryheat wrote:
    It's my experience that when the pin is pulled you get full voltage to lock the brakes but then the voltage dies down to nothing. I learned this when I was repacking bearings and adjusting brakes. I pulled the pin and the tire locked up but then the tire started to turn a little as the voltage began to drop. This tells me that the voltage might be continuous for a short period but not all night.

    DOT requires FULL Battery Voltage for Minimum of 15 minutes

    Fully charged battery will supply full battery voltage until the load draws battery voltage controller on amount of battery voltage being applied because it is a direct wiring scheme from Emergency Break Away switch (battery to switch to trailer brakes)

    Reason OPs battery was at 63% next morning.........15/18 amp draw from magnets being energized
  • No! Pulling that pin is GOOD..... compared to putting a fork in the wall plug. Lol

    Remove that dump pipe cap slowly and have a bucket under it.
  • It's my experience that when the pin is pulled you get full voltage to lock the brakes but then the voltage dies down to nothing. I learned this when I was repacking bearings and adjusting brakes. I pulled the pin and the tire locked up but then the tire started to turn a little as the voltage began to drop. This tells me that the voltage might be continuous for a short period but not all night.
  • Emergency Break Away pin pulled.....Continuous FULL battery voltage on Brake Magnets

    Might want to measure the resistance on those magnets. Should be 3.0-3.8 Ohms
  • Oh, those grandkids. Otta be a law. Put then on half rations of ice cream.